UnclePaul: Reunion Group Photo
UnclePaul: Reunion Group Photo
UnclePaul: Jim Lundmark
UnclePaul: Dan and Brian
UnclePaul: Dan and Brian
UnclePaul: Thanks Mike
UnclePaul: Kathy setting up
UnclePaul: At the park
UnclePaul: Charlie and Dan
UnclePaul: Steve and his pride and joy
UnclePaul: Jessica and Tammi
UnclePaul: Laura and Kathy
UnclePaul: Something was funny
UnclePaul: Mike and his lovely wife
UnclePaul: Reunion
UnclePaul: Reunion
UnclePaul: This man is on TV?
UnclePaul: Nice yearbook
UnclePaul: Mike and Paul
UnclePaul: Kyle watches Mike Work
UnclePaul: I know I'm in here
UnclePaul: Kyle and his wife at the Mog
UnclePaul: At the Mog
UnclePaul: The weekend finally ends