therealjrod13: dancing girls
therealjrod13: massive load
therealjrod13: bright lights ph
therealjrod13: neck brace
therealjrod13: alley way
therealjrod13: heavy load
therealjrod13: twirl fire
therealjrod13: poking head
therealjrod13: bus feet
therealjrod13: smilin' girl
therealjrod13: more fire smoother
therealjrod13: one shoe sale
therealjrod13: dead morris minor
therealjrod13: herbie shot
therealjrod13: waving from the bus
therealjrod13: broken down bus
therealjrod13: more fire pera hera
therealjrod13: clouds in city
therealjrod13: car window
therealjrod13: look ma, no eyes
therealjrod13: milk man
therealjrod13: wheelchair lady
therealjrod13: fire perahera
therealjrod13: tea pickin'
therealjrod13: fighting monkeys
therealjrod13: back of truck
therealjrod13: boy running
therealjrod13: station minor
therealjrod13: jesus and buddha on the windscreen