JeffSFO: Henry, age 6
JeffSFO: Melodramatic nephew (1 of 2)
JeffSFO: Melodramatic nephew (2 of 2)
JeffSFO: Henry employed the shovel not to help but make a mess
JeffSFO: Parker likes garbage
JeffSFO: Parker in celebratory red
JeffSFO: Full of holiday cheer, and crackers!
JeffSFO: Boys being boys
JeffSFO: Henry's a ham
JeffSFO: Demented nephew series (1 of 3)
JeffSFO: Demented nephew series (2 of 3)
JeffSFO: Demented nephew series (3 of 3)
JeffSFO: Roughhousing
JeffSFO: Parker with Aunt Carolyn
JeffSFO: My present for Parker
JeffSFO: A boy's new toy joy!
JeffSFO: Flying triceratops?
JeffSFO: Christmas was good this year
JeffSFO: Safe in his father's arms
JeffSFO: Henry's new car!
JeffSFO: Santa & Son
JeffSFO: Geography studies
JeffSFO: Tiny tree
JeffSFO: Christmas dinner table setting
JeffSFO: Christmas night in Setauket
JeffSFO: Kris Kringle and Christmas Boy
JeffSFO: Mischief in the making
JeffSFO: Aunt Carolyn is always good for a ride or two
JeffSFO: Parker is on the loose after losing his pants
JeffSFO: Nana, where are my pants?