unclebobjim: Anglesey Abbey, Lode, Cambridgeshire
unclebobjim: IMG_0635
unclebobjim: IMG_0643: Angelsey Abbey - Cambridgeshire - England
unclebobjim: IMG_0661
unclebobjim: The Mill Leat and Water Mill at Angelsey Abbey
unclebobjim: IMG_0671
unclebobjim: IMG_0674: Angelsey Abbey - Cambridgeshire - England
unclebobjim: IMG_0688
unclebobjim: IMG_0689
unclebobjim: IMG_0702
unclebobjim: IMG_0705
unclebobjim: IMG_0714
unclebobjim: IMG_0715
unclebobjim: IMG_0723
unclebobjim: Artistic Iron Security
unclebobjim: IMG_0745
unclebobjim: IMG_0748
unclebobjim: IMG_0749
unclebobjim: IMG_0643
unclebobjim: A Mystical Spot in the grounds of Angelsey Abbey.
unclebobjim: IMG_0646
unclebobjim: Walled Garden - Angelsey Abbey - National Trust
unclebobjim: An avenue alongside a Mill Leat at Angelsey Abbey.
unclebobjim: IMG_0700SHc2x3
unclebobjim: IMG_0710
unclebobjim: Stain Coloured Coating
unclebobjim: IMG_0006 SOOC : 'Copper Tree' - Anglesey Abbey Gardens - Stow Cum Quy - Cambridge - England