Uncle Buddha: Self-portrait with Two Pupils, by Adélaïde Labille-Guiard
Uncle Buddha: Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and His Wife, by Jacques-Louis David
Uncle Buddha: The Death of Socrates, by Jacques-Louis David
Uncle Buddha: A Dance in the Country, by G.D. Tiepolo
Uncle Buddha: Allegory of Planets and Continents, by G.B. Tiepolo
Uncle Buddha: Midas Washing at the Source of the Pactolus, by Nicolas Poussin
Uncle Buddha: The Abduction of the Sabine Women, by Nicolas Poussin
Uncle Buddha: The Penitent Magdalen, by Georges de La Tour
Uncle Buddha: Allegory of Music, Laurent de La Hyre
Uncle Buddha: The Rape of Tamar, by Eustache Le Sueur
Uncle Buddha: The Battle at Sotillo, by de Zurbarán
Uncle Buddha: The Miracle of Christ Healing the Blind, by El Greco
Uncle Buddha: Portrait of a Cardinal, by El Greco
Uncle Buddha: The Adoration of the Shepherds, by El Greco
Uncle Buddha: Portrait of a Man, by El Greco
Uncle Buddha: The Supper at Emmaus, by Velázquez
Uncle Buddha: Juan de Pareja, by Velázquez
Uncle Buddha: Don Gaspar de Guzmán, by Velázquez
Uncle Buddha: The Flight Into Egypt, by Luca Giordano
Uncle Buddha: The Fortune Teller, by Georges de La Tour
Uncle Buddha: The French Comedians, by Jean Antoine Watteau
Uncle Buddha: Mezzetin, Jean Antoine Watteau
Uncle Buddha: Madame Marsollier and Her Daughter, by Jean Marc Nattier
Uncle Buddha: Bullfight in a Divided Ring, by Goya
Uncle Buddha: Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñiga, by Goya
Uncle Buddha: Majas on a Balcony, attr. to Goya
Uncle Buddha: Flora and Zephyr, by Jacopo Amigoni
Uncle Buddha: Fantastic Landscape, by Francesco Guardi
Uncle Buddha: Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts
Uncle Buddha: The Last Communion of St. Jerome, by Botticelli