Photos from Near and Far: Taking cover on a showery day
Photos from Near and Far: 1932 Duesenberg II Replica Grille
Photos from Near and Far: 1932 Duesenberg II Replica
Photos from Near and Far: 1932 Duesenberg II (side)
Photos from Near and Far: 1932 Duesenberg II Hubcap
Photos from Near and Far: 1932 Duesenberg II (rear)
Photos from Near and Far: 1932 (c.) Duesenberg Grille
Photos from Near and Far: 1932 (c.) Duesenberg
Photos from Near and Far: 1932 Duesenberg II Drawer
Photos from Near and Far: 1932 Duesenber II Bar
Photos from Near and Far: 1932 (c.) Duesenberg Plate
Photos from Near and Far: 1935 Ford Phaeton (covered)
Photos from Near and Far: 1935 Ford Phaeton (uncovered)
Photos from Near and Far: 1935 Ford Phaeton Grille
Photos from Near and Far: 1935 Auburn Speedster Grille
Photos from Near and Far: 1935 Auburn Speedster
Photos from Near and Far: 1935 Auburn Speedster Dash
Photos from Near and Far: 1965 (c.) Checker Sign
Photos from Near and Far: 1965 (c.) Checker Rates
Photos from Near and Far: 1965 (c.) Checker
Photos from Near and Far: 1924 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost
Photos from Near and Far: 1924 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Engine
Photos from Near and Far: 1953 Hudson Hornet
Photos from Near and Far: 1931 Essex Grille
Photos from Near and Far: 1910 Cadillac (side)
Photos from Near and Far: 1910 Cadillac Dash
Photos from Near and Far: 1910 Cadillac Pedals