uncadave27: Lonely bird feeder. I filled it up before the snow, so any birds could feed
uncadave27: Lot of snow on feeder roof!
uncadave27: No birds braved the storm I guess.
uncadave27: Snow storm2-06-10 005
uncadave27: Snow storm2-06-10 006
uncadave27: Snow storm2-06-10 007
uncadave27: My "patio"
uncadave27: Snow storm2-06-10 013
uncadave27: Parking lot
uncadave27: My rental
uncadave27: Neighbor's car check the roof covering
uncadave27: Snow storm2-06-10 012
uncadave27: Snow storm2-06-10 014
uncadave27: Snow storm2-06-10 015
uncadave27: Lots on the apt roofs
uncadave27: Even bunches of icicles
uncadave27: Snow storm2-06-10 018
uncadave27: Patio
uncadave27: 02-06-10 snow storm