unawe: Saturns Moon Rhea
unawe: Super Enceladus
unawe: Deadly Moons workshop organised and designed by Deirdre Kelleghan during the Science Week Ireland in November 2014
unawe: Deadly Moons workshop organised and designed by Deirdre Kelleghan during the Science Week Ireland in November 2014
unawe: Yes Enceladus
unawe: A superb impressionistic drawing of our moon in false colour totally excellent
unawe: Deadly Moons workshop organised and designed by Deirdre Kelleghan during the Science Week Ireland in November 2014
unawe: Dramatic drawing of Saturn's Moon Enceladus by a young child at Deadly Moons
unawe: Fantastic drawing of Saturn's Moon Hyperion by a young child at Deadly Moons
unawe: Group 2 Lusk NS
unawe: Jupiter's moon Europa at Deadly Moons
unawe: Our Moon in a lunar eclipse looking good
unawe: Deadly Moons workshop organised and designed by Deirdre Kelleghan during the Science Week Ireland in November 2014