atduskgreg: Most of the mural
atduskgreg: Arduino controlling a DC Motor: circuit diagram
atduskgreg: Lindsay at work
atduskgreg: Lindsay filling in trees
atduskgreg: In-mouth 2
atduskgreg: Composite Sink
atduskgreg: PDX Pop Now! cardboard letters
atduskgreg: Rael's Adafruit Arduino motor shield logo bot 1
atduskgreg: Triangle House
atduskgreg: Full Pummer circuit with parts
atduskgreg: Mannequin hand on autoharp
atduskgreg: Acme Snail Poster
atduskgreg: Unfinished Plaid
atduskgreg: Arduino DC Motor control circuit detail
atduskgreg: Tom's Intel machine running OSX
atduskgreg: Die Hard OS
atduskgreg: Guest Check PDA: Bands
atduskgreg: Cardboard winged-microphone
atduskgreg: Arduino NG with Capacitor mod for auto-reset
atduskgreg: Breadboarded Beam Pummer Circuit with Solar Cell
atduskgreg: Cloud scan
atduskgreg: GitHub Stoplight: Green means successful build
atduskgreg: Guest Check PDA: closed
atduskgreg: mkII programming the old Arduino with bootloader
atduskgreg: Blue Big Shirt Boy Album Cover Option
atduskgreg: Night Storefront: Clothing Store on Hawthorne
atduskgreg: Pummer gathering sun (3/4 right view)
atduskgreg: Nikon D60
atduskgreg: How the computer sees us
atduskgreg: Histogram of Oriented Gradients with ofxCv