NYUC: Act like a ham
NYUC: Glide Preparations
NYUC: Gliding Throughthe Leaves
NYUC: Once Upon A Wheel
NYUC: Having a Seat on the Side
NYUC: One Foot Through Leaves
NYUC: Learning to Step on it
NYUC: On the Way Up
NYUC: Fat Tire Spin
NYUC: Sitting on 24
NYUC: Novice Tall Order
NYUC: Sans Pedals
NYUC: Symetry
NYUC: Almost like Dancing
NYUC: Too Far Forward
NYUC: Looking Lean
NYUC: Foot Roll
NYUC: Dismount
NYUC: Smallest Wheel
NYUC: Going Puni
NYUC: Emmit on the move
NYUC: Side By Side
NYUC: Fall Colors
NYUC: Has The Stare
NYUC: Riding Blue
NYUC: Anound Front
NYUC: Not a chopper
NYUC: On a fat wheel
NYUC: Im going this way
NYUC: Rolling Smooth