unaoc: Rapporteur and Vice-President of Programs, International Center for Journalists, Patrick Butler, speaking at the Closing Ceremony.
unaoc: Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice President of the European Commission, delivering the opening remarks
unaoc: Jane Morrice, Member, European Economic and Social Committee, sharing her views on ‘Media and the Rise of Populism’, Panel Discussion I
unaoc: Speakers for Panel Discussion I- ‘Media and the Rise of Populism’
unaoc: Panel of Speakers for ‘Triggers and Mechanisms of Hate Speech’, Panel Discussion II
unaoc: “The media constitutes a fundamental force that shapes mindsets”, remarked High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, at the Opening Ceremony
unaoc: Chiara Adamo, Head of Fundamental Rights Policy Unit, European Commission, commenting on the fears of citizens during Panel Discussion II- ‘Triggers and Mechanisms of Hate Speech’
unaoc: Panel Discussion I- Tom Fletcher CMG, Visiting Professor of International Relations, New York University, addressing the need for a global curriculum which teaches tolerance and coexistence
unaoc: Divina Frau-Meigs, Sociology Professor specialized in media, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, addressing the issue of Media and Information Literacy and youth during Panel Discussion I
unaoc: Cécile Kyenge, Member of European Parliament; Former Italy’s Minister for Integration, addressing the audience at the Opening Ceremony
unaoc: Giulia Laganà, Senior Policy Analyst, EU Migration and Asylum Policies, Open Society European Policy Institute, speaking on ‘Media and the Rise of Populism’, Panel Discussion I
unaoc: Panel of Speakers for ‘Triggers and Mechanisms of Hate Speech’, Panel Discussion II
unaoc: Panel Discussion II- “We must develop Media Literacy programs to prepare especially the younger generations to have a critical mind”, commented Paul Gillespie, Columnist, Irish Times
unaoc: Moawia Ahmed, Journalist and Contributor, Greek Forum of Migrants, panelist for ‘Triggers and Mechanisms of Hate Speech’, Panel Discussion II
unaoc: Shada Islam, Director of Europe & Geopolitics, Friends of Europe, moderating Panel Discussion II
unaoc: Interactive Session I- Richard Allan, Vice President, Public Policy, Facebook, describing the process of analyzing hate speech at Facebook.
unaoc: Blanca Tapia, Programme Manager, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, speaking about the importance of the online ‘media toolkit’ for journalists in ‘Promoting Ethical Journalism’, Interactive Session II
unaoc: High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, delivering remarks at the Opening Ceremony
unaoc: Panel Discussion II audience member, Mary, directing a question to Paul Gillespie on the framework used by the Irish Times to moderate and include ‘voices’
unaoc: Marco Pancini, Public Policy Counsel, Google, speaking on the topic of ‘The Role of Internet Intermediaries in Combating Hate Speech’, Interactive Session I
unaoc: Interactive Session II- Aidan White, Director, Ethical Journalism Network, highlighting the five principles of ethical journalism
unaoc: Audience member posing a question to the panelists during Plenary Session
unaoc: Brittan Heller, Director of technology and society, Anti-Defamation League, speaking on the fluid nature of hate speech, during Interactive Session I
unaoc: Interactive Session III- “Part of the anchor for democracy and civil discourse belongs, to some extent . . . to journalists.” - Jean-Paul Marthoz, Journalist, Professor of International Journalism
unaoc: Johannes Baldauf, Expert on Hate Speech online, Antonio Amadeu Stiftung, providing recommendations during Interactive Session I- ‘The Role of Internet Intermediaries in Combating Hate Speech’
unaoc: Leila Ghandi, TV Host, Journalist and Producer, speaking on fighting stereotypes and understanding the ‘other’ for Interactive session II, ‘Promoting Ethical Journalism’
unaoc: Speakers and audience members during Interactive Session III- ‘Strengthening Partnerships between Media and Civil Society to Promote Balanced Narratives’
unaoc: Nidal Mansour, President of the Centre for Defending Freedom of Journalists, Jordan, directs a question to the speakers for Panel Discussion II concerning hate speech and social media
unaoc: Deborah Seward, Director, United Nations Regional Information Centre, speaking on values, institutions, the UN's work in Brussels and the Media for Interactive Session III
unaoc: Interactive Session III- Yizhar Be’er, Executive Director, Keshev - The Center for the Protection of Democracy in Israel, sharing six objective parameters that can be used by the media