unaesthetic: careful
unaesthetic: not very comforting!
unaesthetic: the worst.
unaesthetic: tower bridge
unaesthetic: tower over thames
unaesthetic: portabello road
unaesthetic: a pizza-mini with some not-so-mini pizzas
unaesthetic: old/new
unaesthetic: a rare blue sky in london
unaesthetic: busted.
unaesthetic: notting hill tube
unaesthetic: cheeky monkey
unaesthetic: twist uk
unaesthetic: little buddy with the black eye
unaesthetic: somewhere near brick lane well past bedtime..
unaesthetic: GIRL TALK
unaesthetic: IMG_4250.JPG
unaesthetic: the proper grecian method of taking down a centaur
unaesthetic: the rose engine lathe. british museum, london uk
unaesthetic: MUMMIFIED LUNG!
unaesthetic: curse of the dust mummy
unaesthetic: IMG_4264.JPG
unaesthetic: freemasons' hall, london
unaesthetic: GET A LIFE - BIN THAT KNIFE
unaesthetic: ye old twister
unaesthetic: US-1 Electric Trucking Set