Lyall Bouchard: Percé and Bonaventure Island, Québec.
yukonchris: Fish Lake Beauty
jk1668: Wrens with happy feet
Raymond Lee Photography: Black-bellied Plover Juvenile, Portrait
Rob McKay Photography: NEX7 + Snowy Owl In-Flight
Raymond Lee Photography: Spotted Sandpiper
Roy Mac: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) eating a Goldfish
Rob McKenzie: White-breasted Nuthatch
Hawk_eye_68: Wood duck
punkbirdr: bufflehead (bucephala albeola)
Billtacular: Rufescent Tiger Heron
Hawk_eye_68: Green Heron
brianv_vancouver: Cormorant, Wheeler OR
crevicehead: please, sir...i want some more.
apeture2010: Meiko-and-ball
apeture2010: Bird in hand
apeture2010: Meiko-Mer-Bleue
friday1970: Kensington Metropark Paddleoat Rentals
punkbirdr: pied-billed grebe (podilymbus podiceps)
my2boggan: Third Vault Brook
my2boggan: "I swear the seal was THIS big!"
punkbirdr: black-bellied plover (pluvialis squatarola)
punkbirdr: black-bellied plover (pluvialis squatarola)
punkbirdr: bar-tailed godwit (limosa lapponica)
punkbirdr: greater yellowlegs (tringa melanoleuca)