ulvahoward: SW Group0001
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_1
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_3
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_4
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_5
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_6
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_7
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_8
ulvahoward: Ben, HJH, Lesley, and Khalid
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_10
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_11
ulvahoward: Khalid finds a Bee's nest
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_13
ulvahoward: The team head for Leopard Cave
ulvahoward: Route to Leopard Cave
ulvahoward: Tracking at Leopard Cave
ulvahoward: Scrape sniffing.
ulvahoward: Khalid and Tessa check camera trap images.
ulvahoward: Arabian Leopard Pugmark
ulvahoward: Arabian Leopard and Honey Badger Pugmarks
ulvahoward: Old and New Leopard Scat.
ulvahoward: Leopard Cave
ulvahoward: Khalid at Leopard Cave
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_24
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_25
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_26
ulvahoward: SW Group0001_27
ulvahoward: Khalid and Tessa show Leopard claw marks
ulvahoward: Handsome Cricket
ulvahoward: Evidence of the Dhofar War