Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): Kohlrabi with insect
Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): Lettuce and kohlrabis
Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): Kohlrabi leaf with water drops
Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): Natural patterns
Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): Leaf of kohlrabi with reflections of the sun
Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): Waterdrops on a leaf of kohlrabi
Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): Waterdrops on a leaf of kohlrabi
Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): In German it is called Mangold
Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): Leaf of vegetable with dewdrops
Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): Stinging nettle with dew drops
Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): Curly kale waiting for frost
Gerlinde Hofmann (Linda): Leaf-beet veins