Urban League of Greater Madison: ULGM's 40th Anniversary Welcome Reception
Urban League of Greater Madison: 2008 ULGM President's Award Winners
Urban League of Greater Madison: 2008 ULGM President's Award Winners
Urban League of Greater Madison: CUNA Mutual Presenting Sponsor-ULGM 40th Anniversary Celebration
Urban League of Greater Madison: Steve Goldberg of CUNA Mutual Speaks at ULGM's 40th Anniversary
Urban League of Greater Madison: ULGM 40th Anniversary Celebration
Urban League of Greater Madison: ULGM 40th Anniversary Celebration
Urban League of Greater Madison: ULGM 40th Anniversary Celebration
Urban League of Greater Madison: Ray Allen presents the Betty Franklin-Hammonds Scholarships
Urban League of Greater Madison: David Hammonds presents the Betty Franklin-Hammonds Scholarship Award
Urban League of Greater Madison: Rocky Schultz wins the Betty Franklin-Hammonds Scholarship Award
Urban League of Greater Madison: Rocky Schulz Receives the Betty Franklin-Hammonds Scholarship
Urban League of Greater Madison: Delphine Vakuna Receives the Friends of the Urban League Scholarship
Urban League of Greater Madison: Hanah Jon Taylor and guests perform
Urban League of Greater Madison: ULGM 40th Anniversary Celebration
Urban League of Greater Madison: ULGM 40th Anniversary
Urban League of Greater Madison: State of Black Madison Coalition wins Whitney M. Young, Jr. Award
Urban League of Greater Madison: Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle Gives Keynote at ULGM's 40th Anniversary
Urban League of Greater Madison: Gus Doyle and Addrena "Super Gram" Squires pick winner
Urban League of Greater Madison: ULGM Board Members Announce Matching Gift Campaign
Urban League of Greater Madison: Dr. Chuck Taylor discusses why The Time is Now
Urban League of Greater Madison: Annette Miller, ULGM Board Chair, Announces Board Challenge Gift
Urban League of Greater Madison: ULGM Guild President Addrena Squires
Urban League of Greater Madison: Sydney Forbes, founding member of ULGM, speaks at the ULGM 40th Anniversary
Urban League of Greater Madison: ULGM Board Members Announce Matching Gift Campaign
Urban League of Greater Madison: ULGM 40th Anniversary Celebration
Urban League of Greater Madison: 40th Anniversary Celebration Cake
Urban League of Greater Madison: ULGM 40th Anniversary Celebration