Ulf: Almost ready for her close-up
Ulf: Dressed to the nines
Ulf: Passengers only beyond this point
Ulf: Not the Dalai Lama...
Ulf: Spiritual leaders need security also
Ulf: Definitely the Dalai Lama
Ulf: Just a blur
Ulf: Do spiritual leaders ride in SUVs?
Ulf: Scratchy lightning strikes
Ulf: The Dalai Lama a fashion maven?
Ulf: T'was Issey Miyake, you see?
Ulf: It's one universe, is it not?
Ulf: Dalai Lama, badly, but beautifully scratched
Ulf: Driving off
Ulf: Bye-bye Dalai
Ulf: Strangers, sidewalk, mystery
Ulf: Kind of blue
Ulf: Who are these people?
Ulf: Who are these people?
Ulf: Who are these people?
Ulf: Who are these people?
Ulf: Who are these kids?
Ulf: Who is this carpet?