UK Youth Climate Coalition:
YOUNGO has all the power!
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
The Youth have all the power! COP17 closing plenary
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
YOUNGO base at COP17 closing
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
It's 2am. We can't all stay up all night.
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Youth base at COP17 closing plenary
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Standard COP photo
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Luke gets interviewed
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Luke's a star!
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Luke on TV
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
The Hughes Brothers
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Luke: 'Don't block the talks'
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Cat: 'Don't block the talks'
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Barry: 'Don't block the talks'
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
YOUNGO members protest outside USA office at COP17
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Youth protest about USA blocking the talks
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
A line of youth: 'Don't block the talks'
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Young people from around the world: 'Don't block the talks'
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Cat from UKYCC: 'Don't block the talks'
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
LJ from Medsin UK: 'Don't block the talks'
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
'Don't block the talks'
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Jayden from Global Voices Australia: 'Don't block the talks'
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Gabe from Holland: 'Don't block the talks'
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Youth protest at American blocking of COP17 progress
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Line of youth protest at USA blocking
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Jolly protest!
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
'Don't block the talks'
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
We gather outside USA offices
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
We move from press conference
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Adam and Jamie scheme
UK Youth Climate Coalition:
Youth press conference: Kine Eide talks