ukpylot: Getting ready to lift the engine
ukpylot: Engine ready to lift
ukpylot: P1030821
ukpylot: Mount holes lined up with the ones on the engine
ukpylot: First time engine rests on plane
ukpylot: Hose doesn't clear bolt
ukpylot: Marking engine mount holes
ukpylot: Bolts drilled for safety wire
ukpylot: Mount drilled for safety wire
ukpylot: Radiator hose used to protect from bolt
ukpylot: Drilling the mount holes
ukpylot: Drilling the mount holes
ukpylot: Mount holes drilled
ukpylot: Mount holes drilled
ukpylot: Muffler resting inside frame
ukpylot: Engine on plane
ukpylot: Engine on plane
ukpylot: Engine on plane
ukpylot: Engine without a hoist
ukpylot: Engine without a hoist
ukpylot: Engine mount safety tied
ukpylot: Safety Tied Elbow Connection Clamped
ukpylot: Radiator Hose Install
ukpylot: Radiator Bracket
ukpylot: Radiator Bracket
ukpylot: Radiator Hose Install
ukpylot: Radiator Hose Install
ukpylot: Reservoir Overfill
ukpylot: Reservoir Overfill
ukpylot: Gascolator Mounting Holes