ukpylot: Bowling Green, Dawlish
ukpylot: Bowling Green, Dawlish
ukpylot: River Walk, Dawlish
ukpylot: River Walk, Dawlish
ukpylot: DSCF0485
ukpylot: California Poppies in Dawlish
ukpylot: Dawlish
ukpylot: Me and Teri
ukpylot: Me and Dad
ukpylot: DSCF0490
ukpylot: Looking towards Dawlish
ukpylot: DSCF0492
ukpylot: Dawlish Warren
ukpylot: On the path from Dawlish Warren to Dawlish
ukpylot: Dawlish Warren
ukpylot: Dawlish Warren
ukpylot: DSCF0498
ukpylot: Exeter BBQ
ukpylot: Relaxing waiting for food
ukpylot: Bob getting his grill on
ukpylot: Exeter BBQ
ukpylot: Exeter BBQ
ukpylot: Exeter BBQ
ukpylot: Exeter BBQ
ukpylot: Exeter BBQ
ukpylot: Exeter BBQ
ukpylot: Exeter BBQ
ukpylot: Bob in the spa
ukpylot: Exeter BBQ
ukpylot: DSCF0514