ukoln: The door at the Gujarat Centre
ukoln: The temple at the Gujarat Centre
ukoln: Dave Pattern talking at the Gujarat Centre
ukoln: Dave Pattern talking at the Gujarat Centre
ukoln: Gujarat Centre
ukoln: David Dawson talking at the WHM
ukoln: David Dawson talking at the WHM
ukoln: Lunch at WHM
ukoln: David Dawson talking at the WHM
ukoln: Lunch at WHM
ukoln: Wiltshire Heritage Musuem
ukoln: Gujarat Centre
ukoln: Marieke presenting at the Gujarat centre
ukoln: Museum of London
ukoln: Big office buildings
ukoln: Museum of London
ukoln: Pret
ukoln: Computer suite
ukoln: Clore learning centre
ukoln: Lunch
ukoln: Lunch
ukoln: Lunch
ukoln: Breakout groups
ukoln: Bilkis giving her presentation
ukoln: Bilkis giving her presentation
ukoln: Museum of London
ukoln: Museum of London
ukoln: Delegates
ukoln: The room
ukoln: The Discovery Musuem