UK Brick Man: Babylon 5, Habitat Section, end view with trials for the next part
UK Brick Man: Isn't it annoying when you build something only to realise it just isn't strong enough! Still, the general principle is working ok and has taught me what I need to change, now I just need to work out how to change it then get back on bricklink again.....
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5, Blue Sector, Docking Bay Area - first attempt already improved upon, photos to follow.
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5, Blue Sector, Docking Bay Area - first attempt already improved upon, photos to follow.
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5, Blue Sector, Docking Bay Area - first attempt already improved upon, photos to follow.
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5, Blue Sector, Docking Bay Area - first attempt already improved upon, photos to follow.
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5, Blue Sector, Docking Bay Area - first attempt already improved upon, photos to follow.
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5 - Work in progress
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5, Docking Bay, trials
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5 - radiator vane test version 1. For version 2 - replace the medium blue with Trans Dark Blue and if it looks good start saving the £100-£150 I'll need to make 12 of them......
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5 - Docking bay partial sphere construction detail.
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5 Docking Bay Area. Part trials.
UK Brick Man: This was so close to being what I need, axe head at the right
UK Brick Man: Latest version, realised the light bluish grey all needs to be dark bluish grey. Glad I realised before buying the parts to make 12 of these
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5 Reactor Section WIP
UK Brick Man: Babylon 5 Front Section of Reactor