UK & Ireland SAP User Group: Carl presenting to the User Group SAP's HANA
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: Question Time for Carl
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: The Directors and the SIG Team eagerly waiting for the HANA presentation
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: Chief Executive gives the thumbs up!
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: Crossing the line.....
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: Hear no evil.... See no evil...... Speak no evil.....
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: 3.....2....1.... Pose
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: The SUG version of the Chuckle Brothers!
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: Adam eating his medal
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: Don't mess him around
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: Carl "Schumacher" Streatfield shows his gold medal for racing
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: Kirsten showing she's not to be messed with
UK & Ireland SAP User Group: IMG01623-20110526-1702