ukinrussia: Russian School children study plasma on the Queen Mary university trauma stand at the All Russia Science Festival
ukinrussia: Russian school girl studies blood on the Queen Mary University UK trauma stand at the All Russia Science Festival
ukinrussia: Dr Joanna Mason of the Trauma Clinical Academic Unit, The Royal London Hospital and the Centre for Neuroscience & Trauma Science, Queen Mary University, talking to a scientist about her research work on reducing blood loss in trauma patients at the All Ru
ukinrussia: Simon Glasgow, Research Fellow/Emergency Medicine Registrar at the Royal London Hospital and Claire Rourke, Senior Researcher at the Trauma Clinical Academic Unit of the Royal London Hospital showcase their film on what happens to trauma patients in the U
ukinrussia: Taking a sample of red blood cells – Simon and Claire Rourke showcase their film on what happens to trauma patients in the UK from helicopter rescue to hospital at the All Russia Science Festival
ukinrussia: In the operating theatre - – Simon and Claire Rourke showcase their film on what happens to trauma patients in the UK from helicopter rescue to hospital at the All Russia Science Festival
ukinrussia: Plasma used in the treatment of a trauma patient in the UK – at the Queen Mary University UK trauma stand at the All Russia Science Festival
ukinrussia: Blood – used in the treatment of a trauma patient in the UK – at the Queen Mary University UK trauma stand at the All Russia Science Festival