UK in Brunei: Miss Tiew iew Chuen, the CEO of Standard Chartered Bank, welcoming the party. To her right is the British High Commissioner, HE Mr John Saville and to her left, Dr Jonathon Davies the Lead Project Executant of the Rehabilitation of Peatswamp Forest Projec
UK in Brunei: Know before you go - Dr Davies giving a briefing on what to expect.
UK in Brunei: Group photo before embarking ten miles into the peat swamp forest.
UK in Brunei: What a stump. Dr Davies showing a tree stump.
UK in Brunei: "We are here," says Dr Jonathon Davies who led the media field trip.
UK in Brunei: One of the Wetlands International-Indonesia specialists shows that water can be found at just about 20 cm below the peatland soil.