ukcivilservice: Home Office Perm Sec Mark Sedwill
ukcivilservice: Cordia Lewis presenting the Verify project on the GDS stand
ukcivilservice: Edinburgh volunteers with John Manzoni on the Murrayfield pitch
ukcivilservice: Delegates reading the event brochure
ukcivilservice: presenter
ukcivilservice: Delegate asking a question in the main plenary hall
ukcivilservice: Delegate asking a question in the main plenary
ukcivilservice: John Manzoni talking to delegates on the Positive Action Pathways stand
ukcivilservice: The CGI stand
ukcivilservice: Rebeccal Hales, GDS
ukcivilservice: Delegate listening
ukcivilservice: IMG_5610
ukcivilservice: John Manzoni on the FDA stand
ukcivilservice: John Hicklin, CGI global lead for IoT presenting the Internet of Things demo
ukcivilservice: Delegates listening to the PM's welcome
ukcivilservice: Championing difference banner
ukcivilservice: Home Office stand
ukcivilservice: Department for Education WOW facts banner
ukcivilservice: Ministry of Defence WOW facts banner
ukcivilservice: IMG_7286
ukcivilservice: The Scottish Approach to Reducing Crime and Unintentional Injury (FR18)
ukcivilservice: The Scottish Approach to Reducing Crime and Unintentional Injury (FR18)
ukcivilservice: Green Smart Working leaflets
ukcivilservice: Blue Smarter Working leaflets
ukcivilservice: Reservist guidance for managers
ukcivilservice: IMG_7246
ukcivilservice: IMG_7245
ukcivilservice: IMG_7243
ukcivilservice: IMG_7234
ukcivilservice: IMG_7230