Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Ukrainian big beast VL11m-115 at Mukachevo with a Rake of Aggregate box cars
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Ukrainian Railways VL11.026B Eases into Mukachevo ( Мукачево ) with a mixed freight 23.02.2024
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Ukrainian twin VL11M.137 Departs Čierna nad Tisou with 3708 A service for Chop Ukraine
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Ukrzaliznytsya Railways "Ukrainian twin" VL11M-137 Departs Čierna nad Tisou with 3708 A service for Chop Ukraine
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: "Ukrainian twin" VL11M-137 Departs Čierna nad Tisou with 3708 A service for Chop Ukraine
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Ukrainian Twin VL80-1374 at Lviv Central Station
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: VL80 0585 Stabled at Lviv
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Ukrzaliznytsia VL80 1374 sits at Lviv Station with a service for Kharkiv
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Cierna Nad Tisou Ukrzaliznytsia VL80 137 and 138 on box cars working 3708 to Chop Ukraine
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Ukrainian Railways VL11-044 on Mukachevo Depot
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: BCH ВЛ80S-650 at Orsha Belarus with a Silkroad Freight for Russia and Beyond December 6th 2024
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Still featuring the Red Star on it and the original Green livery BCH Belarusian Railways VL80 Dual Loco ВЛ80С-607 VL80-607 A and B are seen getting under way at Baravinochy December 4th 2024 Wagons included Latvian, Russian and what i think was Chechnyan
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: The Belarusian Railways BCG-1, originally Belarusian Railways BKG-1 (БКГ : Белорусско-Китайский Грузовой) seen at Orsha Belarus along with VL80-650
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: The Belarusian Railways BCG-1, originally Belarusian Railways BKG-1 (БКГ : Белорусско-Китайский Грузовой) seen at Orsha Belarus along with VL80-650