Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: DB Regio 1428 005 at Duisburg Hbf a Stadler Flirt
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: DVG 4715 at Duisburg Hbf with U79 Dusseldorf to MeiderichBahnhof
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Siemens Vectron 193.406 Leased from Alpha Trains seen at Dusseldorf Rath
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Beacon Rail Leasing ER20-015 223.015 seen seen at Oberhausen Osterfeld Süd
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: MRCE siemens vectron X4E 611 seen at Oberhausen Osterfeld sud MRCE was aquired by beacon rail earlier this month
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: OBB Vectron at Dusseldorf Rath video
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Aix Rail 218.461 at seen at Oberhausen Osterfeld Süd with a mixed engineers set 26.9.2023
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Euro Cargo Rail 266.431 at Oberhausen Osterfeld Süd nice to see one of the Ex French white sheds!
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Always a joy to see an old USSR Machine... DB Cargo Ludmilla 232.669 Departs Oberhausen Osterfeld Süd with a mixed Freight 26.9.2023
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: DVG 1042 DVG Düwag GT 10 NC-DU seen at Duisburg Wolfstraße
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: EuroBahn Stadler Flirt GTW ET7.14 arriving in to Duisburg with a RE3 service for Dusseldorf Hbf
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: Bahn Logistik BR120 120.201 and 120.144 seen at Oberhausen Osterfeld Süd with a rake of Zacns Tankers 26.9.2023
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: 101.117 at Duisburg Hbf
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: DB Cargo Germany BR266 Ex French ECR 77012 seen at Oberhausen Osterfeld Süd 26.9.2023
Iain Wright - A Rutland Photographer: DB IC2 set being shoved out of Duisburg Hbf with 146.554 at the helm