UK College of Arts & Sciences: Students line up for helmets
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Students listen to UK Sustainability Coordinator Shane Tedder
UK College of Arts & Sciences: UK Sustainability Coordinator Shane Tedder shows the proper fit for a helmet
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Getting fitted for a helmet
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Victor helps a student with adjustments to her bike
UK College of Arts & Sciences: UK Sustainability Coordinator Shane Tedder talks to one of the Greenhouse students about his new bike
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Wildcat Wheels worker Kevin talks to a Greenhouse student about her new bike
UK College of Arts & Sciences: UK Sustainability Coordinator Shane Tedder talks with a Greenhouse student about shifting gears
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Wildcat Wheels employee Victor assisting a student
UK College of Arts & Sciences: UK Sustainability Coordinator Shane Tedder assists a student
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Wildcat Wheels employee Victor is on hand to help
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Getting comfortable
UK College of Arts & Sciences: UK Sustainability Coordinator Shane Tedder ready to help another lucky student
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Victor's new bike dance
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Adjusting the helmet
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Wildcat Wheels employee Victor makes some adjustments
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Shane and Victor hard at work
UK College of Arts & Sciences: UK Sustainability Coordinator Shane Tedder lends a helping hand
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Victor looks over the bike one last time
UK College of Arts & Sciences: One happy student and her new bike
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Kevin helps a student with proper sizing
UK College of Arts & Sciences: Victor adjusts the seat height