Ujjwala Nandeesh: street shopping for bangles!!
Ujjwala Nandeesh: festive season..
Ujjwala Nandeesh: freeze it
Ujjwala Nandeesh: eee :D :) <3
Ujjwala Nandeesh: lost and found
Ujjwala Nandeesh: write or wrong...
Ujjwala Nandeesh: Blue thou art, intensely blue; Flower, whence came thy dazzling hue?
Ujjwala Nandeesh: just another evening..
Ujjwala Nandeesh: the culprit!
Ujjwala Nandeesh: reflection
Ujjwala Nandeesh: favourites.
Ujjwala Nandeesh: *tiny treasures..*
Ujjwala Nandeesh: once a candle..
Ujjwala Nandeesh: portrait!
Ujjwala Nandeesh: dark chocolate vanilla
Ujjwala Nandeesh: need light