Geographer David: early morning Light
Geographer David: early morning light
Geographer David: early morning light
Geographer David: Crater Lake
Geographer David: Morning Light
Geographer David: CraterLake 121a
Geographer David: Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
Geographer David: CraterLake 088a
Geographer David: sunrise over crater Lake
Geographer David: Sky on fire over Crater Lake
Geographer David: Morning at Crater Lake
Geographer David: Llao Rock
Geographer David: Llao Rock and Mount Thielson
Geographer David: Morning sun on Llao Rock
Geographer David: morning sky
Geographer David: sunrise over Crater Lake
Geographer David: morning light
Geographer David: early morning sunrise
Geographer David: Crater Lake at night
Geographer David: chairs on the deck at night
Geographer David: Crater Lake Lodge
Geographer David: CraterLk 125
Geographer David: Crater Lake Lodge windows
Geographer David: Salt Creek Falls
Geographer David: Salt Creek Falls
Geographer David: Salt Creek Falls
Geographer David: Salt Creek Falls
Geographer David: Salt Creek
Geographer David: Salt Creek Falls