Geographer David: The Carnine family near Silver Lake, Washington
Geographer David: unidentified location, Washington state
Geographer David: unidentified photograph, Washington state
Geographer David: Silver Lake, Cowlitz County, Washington school
Geographer David: Anderson homestead, Carnine Road, Silver Lake, Washington
Geographer David: Anderson Family 1911
Geographer David: Karl Johan Andersson
Geographer David: Albert, Ellen, & Emma Anderson
Geographer David: Amanda Becker Anderson
Geographer David: mother Amanda, George & Edna Anderson
Geographer David: George, Ellen and Edna Anderson
Geographer David: unknown couple.
Geographer David: Fir Grove Union Church Sunday School
Geographer David: Gardner Park, Toutle River
Geographer David: Anderson Homestead, ~1900
Geographer David: Anderson Homestead, ~1900
Geographer David: Anderson Homestead, ~1906-07
Geographer David: Anderson Homestead ~1906-07
Geographer David: Silver Lake Grange, Washington
Geographer David: near Silver Lake, washington ?