Geographer David: Simeon, Ujelang, Marshall Islands
Geographer David: Iroij Johannej making ekwal (coconut fibre twine)
Geographer David: Aruo's and Iroij Johannej's canoe
Geographer David: WA construction sides
Geographer David: WAConstruction
Geographer David: WA Ben beside canoe
Geographer David: WAWorkParty
Geographer David: Ben Rosa making a side plank for a canoe
Geographer David: outrigger canoe construction, Ujelang, Marshall Islands
Geographer David: Iroij Johannej
Geographer David: Luta making a new plank for older canoe
Geographer David: outrigger canoe repair, Ujelang, Marshall Islands
Geographer David: WABenLine
Geographer David: WAPlankworkingon
Geographer David: Abner trimming a plank
Geographer David: WAAnejNAbner_edited-1
Geographer David: Matu working on plank
Geographer David: WAAbnerPlankb
Geographer David: Canoe sides before stitching together
Geographer David: Kilion, Abner and Anej
Geographer David: WA Anej and Abner
Geographer David: WA Anej, Abner and Kilion
Geographer David: WAAnAbner
Geographer David: Walap an Abner. Sewing sides
Geographer David: Ben and Anej, Ujelang Atoll, Marshall Islands, ~1976
Geographer David: Wa Ezra & Aruo Tying sides together
Geographer David: Walap tying, hands are amazing
Geographer David: WATyingMatu