u-murrayhusted: Cut half inch square chunks of balsa to fit your character design's shoulders and hips
u-murrayhusted: Drill spine and limb holes (3 each) equally spaced, all the way through the shoulders and hips
u-murrayhusted: Hole placement
u-murrayhusted: You'll have to twist your wire for the limbs and spine
u-murrayhusted: Put pencil or other round object in the bent end of the wire.
u-murrayhusted: Tadah! Now make a bunch of them.
u-murrayhusted: These hips don't lie. Especially when you label them so that you know what you're doing.
u-murrayhusted: Untwist the wire for the spine and insert as shown in the center spine hole for the hips.
u-murrayhusted: Twist the wire to secure spine to hips.
u-murrayhusted: Do the same for the shoulders
u-murrayhusted: Make sure that your limbs are the right length before you twist them on. Also allow for shoulders in your arms!
u-murrayhusted: Twist the arms on allowing for a shoulder of wire at the top
u-murrayhusted: Check the length of the legs before twisting them on
u-murrayhusted: Make sure your feet can support the figure!
u-murrayhusted: Tadah!
u-murrayhusted: This model has wire straps on the bottom of the feet for a model that needs more specific movement articulation and a better walk cycle
u-murrayhusted: This model has simple feet for a model that doesn't need to worry much about their walk cycle
u-murrayhusted: Add guts! Quilting batting works great, but anything soft and flexible will do.
u-murrayhusted: Medical adhesive wrap is our secret friend. Buy two rolls. It is amazing and you won't be sorry.
u-murrayhusted: Wrap your model in the medical adhesive- it sticks to itself, bulks nicely, and never warps, wrinkles, or sticks to fabric.
u-murrayhusted: Looking good! Make sure to wrap all of the wires as well- clay likes adhesive tape, it does not like wire.
u-murrayhusted: If you want to add any gashed out areas for your zombies, make sure that you leave space in the basic armature
u-murrayhusted: Tiny pants! This is the two piece construction as discussed in class- easier to construct, sort of mom-jeansy
u-murrayhusted: Simple 1 piece fold over t-shirt
u-murrayhusted: Non or lightly articulated hand base- make a rounded rectangle shape out of your skin colored clay
u-murrayhusted: Cut a thumb
u-murrayhusted: Cut fingers (not yours, please)
u-murrayhusted: Model hand using handy reference
u-murrayhusted: Wig making- first, make an aluminum head base a little larger than your model's head
u-murrayhusted: Form a little skull cap of sculpy