uhohphoto: DSC_0197x
uhohphoto: IMG_2566x
uhohphoto: DSCN3080x
uhohphoto: DSCN3078x
uhohphoto: DSCN3077x
uhohphoto: DSCN3069x
uhohphoto: busted
uhohphoto: DSCN2753x
uhohphoto: DSCN2752x
uhohphoto: the finished product
uhohphoto: DSCN2749x
uhohphoto: the components
uhohphoto: moped lunchin' outside of weggies
uhohphoto: DSCN2480xc
uhohphoto: seize! :(
uhohphoto: seize! :(
uhohphoto: seize! :(
uhohphoto: DSCN2134x
uhohphoto: DSCN2133x
uhohphoto: DSCN2132x
uhohphoto: DSCN2131x
uhohphoto: tight fit
uhohphoto: DSCN2129x
uhohphoto: DSCN2128x
uhohphoto: DSCN2127x
uhohphoto: DSCN2126x
uhohphoto: all clean!
uhohphoto: all cleaned up
uhohphoto: authentic grassroots mud
uhohphoto: scotia's a dirty hippie