ugod: Augsburg Tunnel / Unterführung B&W
ugod: 20070209_0250
ugod: 20070209_0246
ugod: 20070209_0245
ugod: 20070209_0242
ugod: 20070209_0241
ugod: 20070209_0240
ugod: 20070209_0222
ugod: Guitar Hero
ugod: reed organ / Harmonium
ugod: hand
ugod: camping stove burner
ugod: Burner
ugod: Rain has left its mark on the leaf
ugod: Leaves
ugod: Leaves
ugod: I'd rather push it...
ugod: Brooklyn Bridge New York City
ugod: Brooklyn Bridge New York City
ugod: NYC yellow cab in black & white
ugod: New York City Broadway & Columbus
ugod: New York City one way
ugod: New York City
ugod: One Million Acts of Kindness - New York City
ugod: NYC Balcony
ugod: Amsterdam Avenue
ugod: Dr. Martin Luther King JR Boulevard
ugod: New York Lines
ugod: NYC rainy rail
ugod: NYC Fire Truck