UGJammin: Preparation begins
UGJammin: Preparation continues
UGJammin: French's Classic Yellow
UGJammin: HP BBQ Sauce
UGJammin: Heinz Tomato Ketchup
UGJammin: Fuel for the fire
UGJammin: Ready for action
UGJammin: Oooooh
UGJammin: UK's number one firelighter
UGJammin: Extra Long Matches
UGJammin: The initial combustion
UGJammin: Phil is not impressed
UGJammin: Dr. Moss dispenses bread
UGJammin: He still has a criminal jawline
UGJammin: Checking the soccer results
UGJammin: Flames take hold
UGJammin: The arrival of Mr B.
UGJammin: A selection of Finest meats
UGJammin: Venus is up there somewhere...
UGJammin: ...and so is Mercury
UGJammin: Low --> High
UGJammin: Reaching critical temperature
UGJammin: Many sausages make a feast
UGJammin: Smoke me a kipper...
UGJammin: Covert consumption
UGJammin: Tabasco Sauce does that to you
UGJammin: A loveley evening
UGJammin: Capturing his best side
UGJammin: A very social event
UGJammin: He is a big man