KTesh: Karl Dawson, waiting for the gang to arrive... Prune By Bike, N. Interstate Ave. 9/20/8
KTesh: Before getting started, Prune By Bike, N. Interstate Ave. 9/20/8
KTesh: Karl and a vandalized branch.
KTesh: This tree was damaged right before we arrived.
KTesh: Before getting started pruning on N. Interstate Ave.
KTesh: Karl on N. Interstate Ave. before we start pruning this block
KTesh: Karl on N. Interstate Ave. after pruning is done.
KTesh: Me, pruning on N. Interstate Ave. (Prune By Bike 9/20/8)
KTesh: Pruning Maple Trees. Before pruning the branch using the three cut method.
KTesh: Pruning Maples Trees. The branch after the 1st two cuts using the three cut method.
KTesh: Pruning Maple Trees. This is how the branch looks when removed by using the three cut method.
KTesh: Pruning Maple Trees. The 3rd cut of the three cut method.
KTesh: Pruning Maple Trees. The results of the three cut method
KTesh: After pruning, the sidewalk is cleared.
KTesh: N. Interstate Ave. before pruning starts.
KTesh: Clearance of the bike lane on N. Interstate Ave. before pruning.
KTesh: Pruning on N. Interstate Ave. in progress
KTesh: N. Interstate Ave. after pruning.
KTesh: Birch trees before pruning begins
KTesh: Birch trees before pruning begins.
KTesh: Me, bringing up the rear... Prune By Bike (9/20/8)
KTesh: Birch Trees while pruning is in progress, N. Interstate Ave. Portland, Or. 9/20/08
KTesh: Before pruning the SB side of N. Interstate Ave.
KTesh: Gordon on the SB Sidewalk of N. Interstate Ave. before pruning begins.
KTesh: Gordon on the SB sidewalk of N. Interstate Ave. after pruning.
KTesh: Before pruning, a tree on N. Interstate Ave.
KTesh: After pruning, a tree on N. Interstate Ave.
KTesh: Me, caught while pruning on N. Interstate Ave. (Prune By Bike 9/20/8)
KTesh: SB view of N. Interstate Ave.'s bike lane, before pruning begins
KTesh: SB view of N. Interstate Ave.'s bike lane, while pruning is in progress