Uffdah!!!: First Steampunkers of the day
Uffdah!!!: Lego Master
Uffdah!!!: Alan Dean Foster
Uffdah!!!: Rebecca Moesta
Uffdah!!!: Kevin J. Anderson
Uffdah!!!: This dude was hardcore
Uffdah!!!: This dude was hardcore
Uffdah!!!: Very Young Indiana Jones
Uffdah!!!: Why so serious?
Uffdah!!!: Bang
Uffdah!!!: There could be worse ways to die.
Uffdah!!!: Princess Peach -I think-
Uffdah!!!: Live action pokimon battle
Uffdah!!!: Live action pokimon battle
Uffdah!!!: Steampunker
Uffdah!!!: Professor Elemental on a Stempunk panel
Uffdah!!!: Bodypainter
Uffdah!!!: The Empire isn't as serious as it used to be
Uffdah!!!: Black Widow
Uffdah!!!: en guarde
Uffdah!!!: Muggle quidditch
Uffdah!!!: Doomsday Wrestling
Uffdah!!!: The Butcher vs Precious Jewels
Uffdah!!!: The Butcher vs Precious Jewels
Uffdah!!!: Doomsday Wrestling
Uffdah!!!: Doomsday Wrestling
Uffdah!!!: Doomsday Wrestling
Uffdah!!!: David Playing a Tabletop game
Uffdah!!!: Tabletop beastie
Uffdah!!!: tabletop figurines