Uffdah!!!: Yummy pizza?
Uffdah!!!: Jocelyn trying to explain why you must wear socks with your bowling shoes (I still think you should be able to bowl barefoot)
Uffdah!!!: Stacy realizing she could have saved a lot on her car insurance
Uffdah!!!: Leslie, Allison and Alex
Uffdah!!!: Alex bewildered
Uffdah!!!: Leslie and Alex trying to make sense of the ribbon situation
Uffdah!!!: Stacy posing athletically
Uffdah!!!: Jocelyn carefully trying to miss the gutter
Uffdah!!!: Jocelyn celebrating
Uffdah!!!: Bob bewildered
Uffdah!!!: Amy being amazed
Uffdah!!!: Stacy celebrating not throwing a gutter
Uffdah!!!: Bill
Uffdah!!!: Allison, Leslie, Chris and Jocelyn
Uffdah!!!: Chris, Allison, Stacy, Leslie and Jocelyn
Uffdah!!!: Amy laughing
Uffdah!!!: Alex the nearly pro-amateur-casual bowler
Uffdah!!!: Chris
Uffdah!!!: Alex not happy about that last bowl
Uffdah!!!: Leslie partying down
Uffdah!!!: Leslie and Bill
Uffdah!!!: Dueling unicorns
Uffdah!!!: Alex with his epic set of yellow and purple armor
Uffdah!!!: Bill and Bob
Uffdah!!!: Picture of a picture
Uffdah!!!: Leslie and Amy