Uffdah!!!: catapult
Uffdah!!!: Catapult profile
Uffdah!!!: ink
Uffdah!!!: ink pondering ponderously
Uffdah!!!: Rock puppy in the cats' garden
Uffdah!!!: Garden discoball HDR
Uffdah!!!: Catapult in the garden
Uffdah!!!: Catapult pondering ponderously
Uffdah!!!: Ink on the hunt
Uffdah!!!: Catapult
Uffdah!!!: M, like usual, hiding
Uffdah!!!: supderdupercloseup on M
Uffdah!!!: Ink in usual resting place
Uffdah!!!: close-up on M
Uffdah!!!: Ink and Catapult
Uffdah!!!: M thinking about looking out the window
Uffdah!!!: M couch surfing
Uffdah!!!: Catapult
Uffdah!!!: Ink Hanging-out
Uffdah!!!: Catapult hunting
Uffdah!!!: M Chililng
Uffdah!!!: Catapult