Uffdah!!!: First person to fly by at mile 5
Uffdah!!!: This person wizzed by.
Uffdah!!!: I think this guy won the stealth medal
Uffdah!!!: Fighting for first place.
Uffdah!!!: The first two runners.
Uffdah!!!: Elite runners
Uffdah!!!: This guy was moving so fast he was a blur
Uffdah!!!: I was going to delete this one because it was blurry, but I like the swishing blur.
Uffdah!!!: Elite Runners
Uffdah!!!: Trash bag was the fashion dujour
Uffdah!!!: Eyes up top buddy!
Uffdah!!!: Tough folks
Uffdah!!!: These folks making it look easy
Uffdah!!!: Marathoners
Uffdah!!!: Keeping it pretty in pink
Uffdah!!!: This was the first kid I saw running by
Uffdah!!!: First kid i saw running by
Uffdah!!!: Marathoners
Uffdah!!!: Mile 5
Uffdah!!!: We aren't used to this sort of traffic on Studemont
Uffdah!!!: That guy with his kid on his shoulders toughed out the weather from the very start
Uffdah!!!: I bet that cowboy's nickname after the race is "Chafe"
Uffdah!!!: Lady showing off the latest in plastic bag fashion
Uffdah!!!: Lady just realized she's missing a "Law and Order" rerun.
Uffdah!!!: changing your gloves while running is more challenging that it seems
Uffdah!!!: Either she's eating on the run or using a bird whistle.
Uffdah!!!: Bandito marathoner
Uffdah!!!: This guy is happy to be here
Uffdah!!!: At first I thought this guy was trying to be inspirational, but looking closer at his name badge, his name is "Will"
Uffdah!!!: Determined runners