Uffdah!!!: Swish
Uffdah!!!: Super Close-up on Christina
Uffdah!!!: Super Close up on Randy
Uffdah!!!: Swish and Randy
Uffdah!!!: Ericka got a hold of the camera, so food is photographed
Uffdah!!!: Bread with Creamy cheese with mushrooms in it
Uffdah!!!: YUM!
Uffdah!!!: Randy, Amy and Ericka
Uffdah!!!: Amy, Christina and Jennifer
Uffdah!!!: Kinky and Ericka
Uffdah!!!: Kinky saying hello to Ericka
Uffdah!!!: Kiki listening intently
Uffdah!!!: Kinky is loving this scene
Uffdah!!!: Christina and Randy
Uffdah!!!: Ericka and Swish
Uffdah!!!: Kinky has had too much to drink
Uffdah!!!: Ericka Loves Kinky
Uffdah!!!: Me with really bad glare on my dome.
Uffdah!!!: Kiki Pondering Ponderously
Uffdah!!!: Jennifer and part of Christina's face (I probably should have cropped this)
Uffdah!!!: Christina is wondering why Ericka is so attracted to that doll.
Uffdah!!!: Christina intently listening
Uffdah!!!: Crisp (the restaurant we were at)
Uffdah!!!: Kinky is telling about that one time at band camp
Uffdah!!!: Ericka hamming it up in front of the camera
Uffdah!!!: Amy
Uffdah!!!: Amy and Ericka
Uffdah!!!: I think Kinky has had a few too many
Uffdah!!!: Amy listening intently
Uffdah!!!: Swish and Kiki