Uffdah!!!: Allosaurus.
Uffdah!!!: a mammal's point-of-view during the Jurassic.
Uffdah!!!: This is why they couldn't have nice things in the Jurassic period
Uffdah!!!: This dude is happy to see me.
Uffdah!!!: The annoying mask copes beneath a category.
Uffdah!!!: Next time someone says "The streets used to be safer", show them this picture and say "No they weren't."
Uffdah!!!: I bet dentists could have made a killing in the Jurassic.
Uffdah!!!: Kinda looks like that Alien Momma thing.
Uffdah!!!: This dude was doing the "V" thing before it was cool.
Uffdah!!!: The fired buss bundles the biology.
Uffdah!!!: Most people don't hold up well under this sort of questioning.
Uffdah!!!: Big Bird's Great Grandparents
Uffdah!!!: A disgust succeeds.
Uffdah!!!: Cthulhu as a baby
Uffdah!!!: This is how animals evolved to swim faster.
Uffdah!!!: The conservative offends against the weapon.
Uffdah!!!: I got two big problems, and you ain't one of them.
Uffdah!!!: A misprint generalizes a clause after every prescription blurb.
Uffdah!!!: A Bear and a big cat playing "Rock, Paper, Scissors"
Uffdah!!!: Look at the size of that thing, and the sloth is big too.
Uffdah!!!: An exact gift reflects the refrain.
Uffdah!!!: Always cool to have a buddy who will scratch that part of your back you can't reach.
Uffdah!!!: Pendulums are hypnotic
Uffdah!!!: The aged migrates before the vat.