Uffdah!!!: The family (minus Amber, who is taking the picture)
Uffdah!!!: Emerson looking cute (like always)
Uffdah!!!: Carter grinning
Uffdah!!!: Emerson grinning
Uffdah!!!: Obligatory podium shot testing camera settings.
Uffdah!!!: Keaton with a mysterious blue light glowing below his chin.
Uffdah!!!: Emerson pondering on ponderous things.
Uffdah!!!: Emerson doing some sort of funny pose.
Uffdah!!!: This is what happens when you have a camera and you are bored.
Uffdah!!!: Keaton passing the time on his Kindle Fire
Uffdah!!!: Emerson is too quick for me to catch her gaming.
Uffdah!!!: Carter immersed in a game boy (or something like that)
Uffdah!!!: Waiting for grads
Uffdah!!!: Weird pic with wrong shutter speed.
Uffdah!!!: Jeff is in there somewhere.
Uffdah!!!: Post grads, re-graduating
Uffdah!!!: Undergrads graduating
Uffdah!!!: I really should delete this picture
Uffdah!!!: Red robe reading written remarks near red recepticals
Uffdah!!!: MC and a bunch of empty red tubes.
Uffdah!!!: Mom
Uffdah!!!: Video screen (yeah, I know it's obvious, but this thing needed a title.)
Uffdah!!!: Commencement Speaker
Uffdah!!!: Yawner
Uffdah!!!: Signer and Beat boxer
Uffdah!!!: Singer
Uffdah!!!: Signing and Singing
Uffdah!!!: Signing and Singing
Uffdah!!!: Signing and Singing
Uffdah!!!: Jeff realizing he can't see through a sea of graduation hats.