University of the District of Columbia: Mayor Gray, LBR - Judith F. Terra
University of the District of Columbia: Mayor with UDC Beauty Queens
University of the District of Columbia: Sessoms - Etter - LBR - Bunyan
University of the District of Columbia: Sessoms and Peggy Cooper Cafritz
University of the District of Columbia: Sessoms with and Congressman Jim Moran and wife
University of the District of Columbia: Etter greets Gala Chairs - Judith F. Terra and Virginia E. Hayes Williams
University of the District of Columbia: Buffet Table and Ballroom
University of the District of Columbia: Dessert Buffet and Ballroom
University of the District of Columbia: VIGNETTE - Law School with Mayor - David and Katherine Bradley - Peggy Cooper Cafritz
University of the District of Columbia: VIGNETTE - Academic Mission
University of the District of Columbia: VIGNETTE History - Alumni
University of the District of Columbia: VIGNETTE - Facilities with Sessoms - Askew - Jumper