ucumari photography: Three Amigo's
ucumari photography: Maybe it's Maybelline
ucumari photography: (I can't get no) Satisfaction
ucumari photography: munchies²
ucumari photography: almost but not quite
ucumari photography: ain't I purty?
ucumari photography: World Giraffe Day
ucumari photography: Juma and mom
ucumari photography: Juma surrounded by family group
ucumari photography: ZOG exhibit
ucumari photography: reaching for the gold
ucumari photography: stripped bare
ucumari photography: Juma taking a five
ucumari photography: sniff sniff
ucumari photography: Unadulterated joy
ucumari photography: "Baby face…you've got the cutest little baby face"
ucumari photography: knobby knees and a curly tongue
ucumari photography: long tall drink
ucumari photography: Synchronicity
ucumari photography: Taking browse
ucumari photography: Penny for your thoughts?
ucumari photography: Lean on me
ucumari photography: Reaching for the prize
ucumari photography: Julie's eye level
ucumari photography: A new young-un
ucumari photography: unadulterated joy
ucumari photography: Wee little one
ucumari photography: Lil' baby calf
ucumari photography: Little baby giraffe butt