UCL News: Boris Johnson, David Willetts, Sir Paul Nurse and Gabrielle Crick
UCL News: The time capsule
UCL News: Boris Johnson, David Willetts, Sir Paul Nurse and Gabrielle Crick
UCL News: Gabrielle Crick, Harpal Kumar and David Willetts
UCL News: Gabrielle Crick, David Willetts and Paul Nurse.
UCL News: Signing ceremony
UCL News: Boris Johnson
UCL News: Boris Johnson
UCL News: Boris Johnson with local pupils
UCL News: Boris Johnson with local pupils
UCL News: Gabrielle Crick
UCL News: Gabrielle Crick
UCL News: Time capsule ceremony
UCL News: Time capsule ceremony
UCL News: Gabrielle Crick
UCL News: Boris Johnson watches the ceremony
UCL News: Boris Johnson