uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.
uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.
uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.
uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.
uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.
uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.
uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.
uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.
uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.
uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.
uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.
uchicagolaw: Photos of the International Human Rights Clinic discussing their with the ACLU on US Customs and Border Control.