UCFGEEKS: Outside playtime (67:365)
UCFGEEKS: Mommy/DaughterManicure Day (66:365)
UCFGEEKS: Caitlin & Austin 63:365
UCFGEEKS: Carnival at Georgefest (60:365)
UCFGEEKS: Knit hat (59:365)
UCFGEEKS: Caitlin washing her hands (58:365)
UCFGEEKS: Mommy & Me Meetup February (57:365)
UCFGEEKS: Caitlin sharing her baby with Austin (55:365)
UCFGEEKS: Caitlin playing Candyland for the 1st Time (53:365)
UCFGEEKS: Caitlin at Lake Idamere Park (52:365)
UCFGEEKS: Austin 2 Months Old (51:365)
UCFGEEKS: Kindermusik Singing Chef Social (50:365)
UCFGEEKS: Caitlin & Austin (47:365)
UCFGEEKS: Caitlin playing with her Mega Blocks (46:365)
UCFGEEKS: Kathy at Sea World... Austin passed out in Baby Bjorn (45:365)
UCFGEEKS: On the Carousel at Silver Springs (44:365)
UCFGEEKS: Caitlin & Austin (42:365)
UCFGEEKS: Austin & Caitlin with Daddy (39:365)
UCFGEEKS: Caitlin sharing her hat with Austin (38:365)
UCFGEEKS: Caitlin excited that her flowers grew! (36:365)
UCFGEEKS: homemade taggie blanket (35:365)
UCFGEEKS: The promise of a new book (68:365)
UCFGEEKS: Austin swaddled up taking a nap(69:365)